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Vanitas Somnium

In this on-going project, I compose still lifes based on images, idea, and impressions of what I can remember of my dreams.  This is my attempt at working based on my intuition and instincts, all within a very loose framework a vague and fleeting mental concept.   Traditionally, the motif of the vanitas depicts contrasting symbols of what is permanent and what is transitory; what is material and what is ephemeral.  The impermanence of earthly goods mirrors the impermanence of intuitive clarity of vision.

<- Isolation                                                                                                                   The Backwards ->

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©Kevin Van Aelst 2006-2022

This is a fine art and commercial photography portfolio website, created and maintained by by Kevin Van Aelst.  All images on this site are the exclusive copyright of Kevin Van Aelst, unless noted otherwise. No part of this site, or content contained herein, may be reproduced in any manner without express permission of the copyright holder.

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